Sunday 8 February 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 1 - Finals

I couldn't choose between two of my pieces because I felt like one has a stronger message however the other is a more subtle interpretation from my own opinion so I chose both.

This piece is inspired by the novel '1984' by George Orwell as the song "Digital Witness" reminded me of a dystopian era that is controlled and watched by digital media. I used colours inspired by St.Vincent's music video, but toning it down slightly. I also chose the yellow to create an eerily welcoming effect - you wouldn't associate CCTV cameras with being welcoming.  

For this piece I was simply inspired by the lyrics "People turn the TV on, it looks just like a window". I imagined a world full of people being brainwashed by television and digital media. Immediately I linked this to children as they are arguably gullible and impressionable. This little boy is being brainwashed by the television, in a dark room, so much so that he cannot take his eyes off the hypnotic screen. I wanted him to look slightly longingly at the television as if indeed he was staring out of a window while being shut inside.

I submitted both of these designs along with some of my others and some variations too to increase my chances of getting at least one of my pieces picked. 

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