Monday 2 February 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 1 - Secret 7 - Initial research

The choices for singles are as follows:
  1. The Chemical Brothers - Let Forever Be
  2. The Supremes - Reflections
  3. The Maccabees - Go
  4. Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer
  5. The Rolling Stones - Dead Flowers
  6. St. Vincent - Digital Witness
  7. Underworld - Born Slippy
After listening to all the songs, two of them really stand out to me which was The Maccabees - Go and St. Vincent - Digital Witness. When I listened them I had the most vivid ideas especially for "Digital Witness". I think that I will do some thumbnail sketches for both and then decide which one to do based on which designs I prefer.

These are some examples from a previous year and you can see that they are all really varied interpretations. I like the more illustrative pieces but then again one of the judges this year is Monotype so they may prefer typographic pieces. 

I then went to look at some of the famous designers and illustrator that have entered in previous years. 

Leif Podhajsky

Leif Podhajky's album artwork tends to create his imagery by reflecting an image on itself. The reflection abstracts the piece and makes it seem as if the sea is creating a vortex that could suck you in.  The colours have also been changed slightly - giving the blue a more greenish hue and the sea foam a yellow tinge. It makes the record feel old and used, maybe making it feel like an old friend that you can keep going back to. 

Gilly Rochester and Jules Julien

I find it so interesting the different interpretations that people have, the examples above were both for Jake Bugg - Strange Creatures. Yet they couldn't look more different. It just shows that there is a wide range of techniques that you can use and a wide range of interpretations too. I much prefer the simplicity of the second piece by Jules Julien as it feels clean with its two toned colour palette and very minimalistic. When talking about his work he said he was inspired to create "A hand, that could be his hand, with the tip of fingers dark. It's as if, playing the guitar for Strange Creatures, Jake Bugg got his fingers dirty."

Hey Studio

Though Hey studio has not entered secret 7 that I know of I wanted to look at some of their illustrations because I would like to create a more illustrative piece for my record sleeves. I really like the simplicity of shapes that they have used for their characters, they aren't overcomplicated or detailed but you can still see who the characters are meant to be. The use of the stark white background makes the colours pop out of the page, making them seem bolder and brighter. Additionally the fact that these illustrations are purely vector makes them seem cleaner and more effective than a sketch or an illustration in a traditional media would. 

Neil Stevens

I found these designs by Neil Stevens and they really appeal to me, especially the second one with the typography in it. I was originally thinking of doing all my designs quite illustrative but finding these designs has made me think I should create some typographic pieces as well. I love the use of the red and blue together it reminds me of the anaglyph effect made for old 3D films. I think I will definitely try to use the effect shown in the bottom sleeve. 
Huw Gwilliam

Huw Gwilliam redesigned some of the classic record sleeves to mimic that of the classic penguin book designs. Although for the secret 7 covers we cannot include the name of the artist or the song I still love the imagery and how worn the records are, it makes them seem loved and well used. Maybe instead of having a completely clean graphic for some I could use some sort of texture or pattern to add to it so it doesn't look stark and lifeless. A record sleeve design should have personality and have a soul.

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