Wednesday 4 February 2015

OUGD406 - Studio brief 1 - Initial Digital Interpretations

I took some of my favourite St Vincent thumbnails and tried to create some digital interpretations of them. 

I started with one of my typographic pieces. Because it is called "Digital Witness" I thought that the typography should reflect this digital representation. I thought that this quote from the song is really powerful and it emphasises my interpretation that she is trying to get across the message that digital media is brainwashing people. They want our minds. I tried to create a distorted effect by using red and blue and displacing them. This definitely needs a lot more work doing to it to make it look more punchy and effective. 

Next I worked on the TV girl and I tried to use some of the vibrant colours from the video in the background. I used a old fashioned TV as I thought that this once again reflected the era of 1984, also modern TVs are usually flat screens which huge screens which would look strange on the head of a girl. I think that this works really well, I took inspiration from Hey studio using simple vector graphics with not much detail. 

I then took the idea of doing robots from my thumbnail sketches and found the wind up robot toys and thought that they looked very retro, again, referencing the era in which 1984 is set. I made a vector illustration of the robot and added the hypnotic pattern to the eyes to relate back to my idea that digital computers are brainwashing humanity. However looking at this now I feel like the colours are too limited, I need to use some brighter colours to make it stand out from the white background and all the different elements of the robot. 

Then I tried one of the more illustrative designs that I created. Using St. Vincent's unique style - especially her hair - and turning half of her into a robot. However something is not quite right about this design, when asking for feedback it was said that the robot didn't look roboty enough. Maybe I should remove the more human elements and try with more linear ones. Even with the eyes I could do circles instead of the olive shape of her natural eyes. 

Then I tried to do my idea of a brainwashed little boy, mesmerised by a tv. I had a vision in my head which just didn't turn out well and it just looks odd. I think this needs some serious altering doing to it to convey my message properly. 

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