Monday 2 February 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 1 - Mark Making Task

We went into the seminar room and listened to each of the songs for secret 7. Then we got pieces of paper and had to interpret the songs in different ways as we passed the sheets round to different people. The results were interesting to say the least! My favourite by far is what was created for the Maccabees - Go as I really like the geometric interpretation of the song. Maybe I will try and use geometry in one of my designs.

1. Continuous line 
2. Shakey hand
3. Opposite to writing hand
4. Eyes closed
5. A pen in each hand

1. Draw what you see in the music video

1. Draw only circles
2. Draw only squares
3. Draw only Triangles
4. Draw straight lines
5. Draw dotted lines 

1. Quiet music = draw small, loud music = draw big
2. Draw what we heard in the lyrics

1. Typographic interpretation of the lyrics

1. Use no ink, use back of pen/pencil to make marks
2. Make marks with folds.

1. Pen still, move the paper to draw in pairs
2. Swap roles

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