Wednesday 18 February 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 2 - Initial Thumbnails

For my initial thumbnails I decided to have a good look through the book to get a feel of the style of work that Typographica produced. I started with some very simple and possibly obvious ideas. Using the T as a large character and then the rest of the word small works at drawing the eye to the key information, inspired by issue number 4. However I feel that it looks slightly old fashioned and I want to give the cover a contemporary outlook to lure in new designers and students. In the third thumbnail I took inspiration from another piece in typographica which was quite abstract but it really appealed to me. (See below)

The rest were all playing on stereotypical post modern and modernist styles. I thought that both of these styles are represented within the book so they could be displayed on the cover. However I feel like these are too simplistic and not bold enough to represent the pioneering nature of the magazine.

When moving onto the next sheet I decided to use a bit of colour in my next thumbnails. I played with the idea of splitting a letter into two different colours and juxtaposing them so an overlap was created. I really like the combination of red and blue as when they overlap it creates a purple colour. Also I feel like this design would probably the easiest to screen print because I wouldn't align it exactly so that it did create overlap. This means I could experiment with different alignments while screen printing creating some hopefully interesting results. Moreover I played with using shapes inspired by the more bauhaus and modernist designs within Typographica and placing them with text. I then went for a more literal sense of the word and played around a bit more with letterforms and the placement of the different syllables in the word Typographica. I really like the scattered letters as it uses the title to form an image which a lot of the magazines pieces did. 

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