Friday 27 February 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 2 - Final Book Jacket Development

I started by designing the book jackets by just doing the front, back and spine. I chose my favourite designs and the ones that were a favourite in the feedback session that we had. 

I really like how this design covers the whole jacket so the back still feels like part of the design. Also I feel like this design stands out the most because it has the brightest background so I feel like people will be more drawn to this design. 

I really like the contrast between the yellow and the black in this design but I feel like the spine is lacking in interest and doesn't sell the book at all. All the interest is on the cover of the book so if they don't look at the cover it looks like a pretty boring book. 

I really like the strong links that this design has to the content of the book. I feel like once printed this design will have a touch of luxury to it because of the use of metallic inks. I also really like the simplicity of the layout of this design, with not too much text on the back and there is lots of room on the front for the image to breath. The pattern also adds interest to the spine making people want to pick the book up from a shelf. 

I chose the yellow design and the patterned design as I felt like these two represented the content of the book best. 

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