Thursday 1 October 2015

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 1 - Feedback

Going into the feedback session I had spent so much time trying to make the concept work that I had put the design and layout of the leaflet on the back seat a bit. So I asked questions mainly relating to the layout of the leaflet and if it actually works as a leaflet. 

My first question was asking which layout out of the 2 that I had created was more effective - One where the type is kind of merged together and the other where one side is right aligned and the other is left aligned. Most people seemed to like the layouts where the two processes were oppositely aligned and I think that I agree with this. It separates them a bit and makes it a lot clearer to read compared to the other alignment.

My second question was if there was any suggestions they could make on how the layout could be improved and I got quite a few comments saying that the font is too small. I do agree with this as well because it is set out on quite a large piece of paper so the font did seem small in comparison. I will compare different font sizes to see which is more fitting for the size of the leaflet. 

Next I asked about the fold technique I used. Because it is a concertina I worried that it didn't look enough like a leaflet however people didn't seem to mind that the folding was very simple. 

And finally I asked the most important question of all - if the concept of the coloured glasses actually works. For this I got mixed opinions. Some people said that it needed more development and didn't work and others thought that it did work and the type was readable even without the glasses. 

Overall I feel like I got some useful feedback from this critique but if I had been there to explain it more, or even if I had worked on the leaflet design more I think it would have been a more useful critique. 

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