Tuesday 6 October 2015

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 2 - Logostarter

I was really excited for this brief as soon as it was briefed as I really enjoy branding. However I didn't realise how hard it would be to actually find a Kickstarter campaign that I could design something for.

After quite a while searching I found a couple that I was interested in - an artisan soap maker and a coffee shop - and had to narrow it down. I ended up choosing the one for a coffee shop in London that is inspired by the director David Lynch and his surrealistic films and tv shows. I really liked the fact that this was a coffee shop that wasn't normal - it grabbed me straight away. 


"About this project
Love Coffee? Love David Lynch? Love London?
The team behind the hugely successful Twin Peaks UK Festival bring you 'The Damn Fine Coffee Shop', a unique London based coffee shop serving David Lynch Signature Cup Coffee with donuts, pies and a shot of surrealism! 
Our aim with this project is to open a temporary coffee shop for the Christmas period in central London. Our long term goal is for a permanant Lynchian coffee shop! We have an investor interested in the long term goal who also wants to see how the business would fair in its initial stages. Hence our Kickstarter campaign!
The world of David Lynch is dark, rich, mysterious and fun. There are no explanations, make of it what you will. Those who know his work will know the man is mad about his coffee which features heavily in most of his work, especially the cult TV show 'Twin Peaks'. As well as coffee 'Twin Peaks' is full of hearty Cherry Pie and tempting sweet treats, especially donuts! 
Our Damn Fine Coffee Shop will have a wonderful selection of deep filled, satisfying pies plus a glorious array of naughty donuts and will be a wonderful treat for you to enjoy while immersing yourself into the Lynchian world.
Risks and challenges
We have an investor wanting to support us in our long term goal of opening a permanant Damn Fine Coffee Shop in London so we have to make sure this initial project is a success both financially and creatively.Our reasoning for wanting to start this ambitious journey during the Xmas period is twofold. One - to grab those Xmas shoppers and offer them a little bit of warmth and fun while they trudge round the endless central London shops looking for that perfect present, Two - to gage what the interest is from Londoners and define what our market actually is. It may be that Central London would not be the right spot and therefore maybe East in the trendy areas of Shoreditch would be better. This project will help us narrow down who the audience of this experience are.
Already we have a huge following for the Twin Peaks UK Festival, are distributors for David Lynch Signature Cup Coffee which is sold through our website, and have just been officially licensed by CBS Studios and Twin Peaks Productions. We have grown our festival into a huge success and next year looks set to be bigger. TPUK Fest LTD is the company behind the fest who are growing rapidly with Owner and Producer Lindsey Bowden even being commissioned by Octopus Books to write a Twin Peaks Cookbook!
They have already released a range of "David Lynch Signature Coffee" and I think the packaging is a bit plain to be honest. If I have time I might also try to rebrand their designs for the coffee as well.

The Requirements for this Identity:
- Earthy tones such as creams and browns.
- Combined with a punchy colour like orange or red inspired by the surrealist red curtain scene in Twin Peaks

- Modern yet edgy typeface with perhaps a texture to represent the strange nature of David Lynch's films.

Reproducibility/ Adaptability
- The logo will need to be put on most of the products including coffee cups, napkins, wrappers and a shop front.
- Therefore it will need to be scaleable to smaller sizes

Client's Needs
- Needs to appeal to David Lynch fans as the whole concept of the coffee shop is based around this. 

- Needs to communicate a modern yet eerie vibe in accordance to David Lynch films
- Needs to attract customers into the shop to show they have good coffee and cakes.

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