Thursday 22 October 2015

OUGD504 - Study Task - Blogging about Blogging

Re-writing Analysis

"I really like the simplicity of these stamp inspired designs - it reminds me of  stamps that you might find on the burlap sacks of coffee. The use of the logo on an off white background also really compliments the red flourishes of the designs. The font choice brings the vintage style stamp design up to date making it look fresh and clean. If I was going to do something similar I would add more texture I think. "

The simplicity of these designs is very reminiscent of stamps that might be found on burlap sacks of food or coffee, reinforcing the context of the logo. The use of the off white background also represents this as well as bringing out the red flourishes within the design. The sans serif font choice brings the vintage style stamp up to date making it look fresh and clean instead of dated. The design might be improved if more texture was added to further reinforce the stamp design, making it look more dynamic like it was actually stamped onto the page. 

"With this leaflet I found it really interesting how it all folds out into a long strip. It would be good for doing a timeline of sorts for the design process, but I feel like it would leave a lot of blank space. I do think that it looks very neat when folded up though and it might attract people to look at it because of that. The design of the leaflet itself uses shapes created within the folds to make it look 3 dimensional. Also the use of more photographs than text makes for a more striking design. However I don't feel like this sort of design would suit for a design process because it feels like it is the wrong format being too complex. It definitely couldn't be easily produced on a large scale."
This leaflet's fold is very intriguing - it is compact and easy to handle when folded up but when unfolded it becomes a long strip of paper. This kind of leaflet would be very effective for use of a timeline. Additionally, the use of the polygonal shapes within the folds makes the design look 3 dimensional. Also the use of imagery and photography more than text makes for a more striking design. However this design's format is very complex and won't work well if being produced commercially as new folding and cutting plates would need to be custom made in order to mass produce the leaflet.  

Re-writing Design Decisions

"I also tried out the stamp logo with a bit more texture added to it. I also tried inverting the colours and simply using white on black without the use of red. I really like this style similar to the logo Benazio used. I'm not sure whether using white as the main colour would be viable across all the collateral though as it is hard to print white ink on black."
With this design, I tried out the stamp logo but with a bit more texture added to it in order for it to look like it had been stamped quickly onto a page. Inverting the colours and using white on black makes the logo seem more sophisticated as white is harder to print on black so not many people use it within their designs therefore making it look exclusive. However, with this in mind it would be more expensive to produce all of the collateral in this way. 

What is the difference between the following types of writing:

- Describing
- Analysing
- Evaluating
- Contextualising
- Theorising
- Narrating

Summarise and Evaluate

After some feedback on my initial logo ideas I was told that the red overlay made the logo hard to read. I was kind of going for this but I still want the logo to be legible on a shop front. So I added a diamond of red in the background instead of the 'damn fine' and made sure that the title was bold in the middle. I also added the flourishes on the top and the bottom of the logo to add a bit of extra information about the shop and to contextualise it a bit. I think that this also works as a method of framing the title and drawing your eye to it. 

I also tried out the stamp logo with a bit more texture added to it. I also tried inverting the colours and simply using white on black without the use of red. I really like this style similar to the logo Benazio used. I'm not sure whether using white as the main colour would be viable across all the collateral though as it is hard to print white ink on black.

I also experimented with the original logotype that I created out of the stamp style. I used another symbol from the Twin Peaks show with the red textured type layered over it. I quite liked the simplicity of this design, however I don't think that it successfully portrays a coffee shop logo through the imagery I have used. 

From the development above the best design is the second stamp logo. This is because it conveys the idea of Lynch's films better with the use of textures it suggests a distressed slightly dystopian place. Although the logo does need more development due to the colours used it may not be effective to print price wise. 

What have I learnt from this session?

I have definitely learnt a lot from this short session, it has made me able to look at things more critically as well as making my blog posts sound a lot more sophisticated and confident. 

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