Friday 23 October 2015

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 3 - Initial Layout Thumbnails

After looking at page layouts and canons I decided to make some initial sketch ideas of my own. With the 1st layout I used a similar layout to that of the Van de Graaf canon - with a very simple body copy and a rectangular image taking up most of the page. 

Next I tried to push the boundaries with the layouts a bit more and stretched the image to be over 2 pages and just a small section for the body copy - perhaps even no body copy at all. This layout does appeal to me visually however with the bind method that I am planning to use and the quality of my photographs I don't think it will be possible to have a photograph that big on the page. 

Then I tried out having imagery on both pages in a square format. I thought this would be a good idea because it would look like polaroid photographs which are often related with festivals because of their retro nature and being able to print them on the go. 

The next few layouts were very much inspired by the photography books that I looked at in the library. I really liked the design of the meteorite book and the use of tracing paper so I wanted to incorporate something similar in my design. I thought that tracing paper was slightly translucent - reminiscent of memories of a festival which are slightly unclear but you can still see them. I thought that I could do my body copy or even just the letter on the tracing paper above the image.

My final idea was similar to my presentation layout - having a small thumbnail of the letter and then the whole picture on the next page. I thought this would be most effective for the clarity of the book. However I feel like this is very un-ambitious for a book layout and would work a lot better if I had good quality pictures that I could zoom into. However this is not the case. 

Additionally I played around with some front cover layout ideas. I was exploring a number of typography based covers as I felt there was enough imagery inside it wasn't needed on the front page too. I want to experiment with some print finishes so I thought using a foil or an emboss on some simple text would work really nicely to make the front cover look and feel more exclusive and luxurious. From these thumbnail sketches the ones that stand out to me are the 3rd and 4th one. The 3rd one looks like the cover of a personal photo album or a journal this is reminiscent of my personal experiences from the festival and would contextualise the imagery. On the other hand the 4th one is minimal and ideal for using a print finish on to experiment with, yet it is not as personal. I will have to see which looks better as I digitalise some of these ideas.  

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