Tuesday 6 October 2015

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 2 - Coffee Shop Research

I tried to look for some more themed cafes and coffee shops for some inspiration. I couldn't find many that were really themed that didn't just look cheesy or cheap.


This coffee shop contains a music recording studio so it seems to be all themed around records. The logo itself has a very retro vibe, with the typeface looking like an old neon sign. The colour palette used for the brand is very limited and once again represents the kind of retro theme, and you can see where they have got it from based on the store front - an old cinema style sign. I like the simple monotone colour palette with a burst of one colour, I might try and use something similar for the Damn Fine Coffee Shop.


This cafe on the other hand is combined with a hair salon. Their logo and overall identity is very edgy and angular suggesting that they are a cutting edge, modern salon and cafe. I like the use of the logotype becoming an icon by filling in the counters of the letters. Once again the colours are very minimal - just monotone to represent the contemporary nature of this venue. 


I really like the bold font that has been used here, it's simple easy to read and it kind of reminds me of the Twin Peaks typeface. Having just a simple logotype like this would also make it a very versatile logo as it could be used in any colour and still be legible, bold and easy to read. 

I really like the simplicity of these stamp inspired designs - it reminds me of e stamps that you might find on the burlap sacks of coffee. The use of the logo on an off white background also really compliments the red flourishes of the designs. The font choice brings the vintage style stamp design up to date making it look fresh and clean. If I was going to do something similar I would add more texture I think.  

This logo appealed to me because of its gothic feel. The use of white on black is very striking and makes it seem more sophisticated somehow.  I really like the typeface, being condensed once again it reminds me of the Twin Peaks typeface. 

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