Thursday 1 October 2015

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 1 - Development

As soon as I decided on the concept of the anaglyph I started experimenting with different type combinations. At first I was thinking of quite a bold sans serif to catch the eye of the reader, but the combinations above all feel a bit lacking in something - they don't make a statement about the design process what so ever. 

So I tried to mix two different fonts together - one handmade looking one with a regular sans serif to represent my design process vs a professional design process. Overlaid like this the type is difficult to read, particularly the blue as the red dominates it and it is all you can read. However with the glasses I will create this can be helped as while using the glasses one colour will become more prominent than the other.  I feel like this adds to the concept because it makes it more interactive and more interesting to the reader.

So after choosing the scale and the fold I started to lay out how it would look. I initially created the layout in two columns before merging them. I changed my mind about the previous font choice for the title and used my own handwriting for my process instead. I feel that this is a lot more relevant because it is more personal to me this way. Additionally, I chose Futura for the body copy as it is one of my favourite fonts, once again adding to the personalisation of the "My design process" side. For the professional design process I used Helvetica as it is a stable, uniform font that shows stability, which a professional should show. Furthermore I added some illustrations to the title strip as I felt the titles on their own made it very text heavy. When the leaflet is folded up the titles would be at the top so the illustrations made a nice change from the heavy body copy, especially on the professional design process side. Once again for the professional side I used some very simplistic vector icons where as for my process I illustrated some of my own, including more personal icons of what I need to keep myself motivated. 

Once I had finished writing the content for both sides I played about with the merging of the two. At first I was just going to merge them both while they were left aligned. But as I did this I could tell that it definitely would be hard to distinguish between the two colours making it pretty unreadable on its own. I found that left aligning one process and right aligning the other was effective in avoiding this confusion while still keeping the merging effect. 

On the other side of the leaflet I wanted to add something colourful and interesting. So I took the icons and illustrations that I used within the titles and created a pattern overlaying both of them together. This represents the overlap between my practice and a professional practice. 

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