Friday 9 October 2015

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 2 - Final Collateral & Production


For the shop front I wanted to show the dark vibe yet make it still look approachable and like a coffee shop.  I reversed the logo for this - I think that it looks really effective with white on a black background because it feels like it creates a higher contrast. 


I also mocked up some collateral that would be used within the coffee shop. I used mock ups to show to the client because it saves me printing things out when the client might not like the designs. 

I mocked up a napkin because in my opinion this is one of the most important products in the coffee shop! I mocked it up to be embroidered on cloth however a disposable printed napkin would be much cheaper to produce and print on. 

I also mocked up a business card on which I used embossing for the stamp part of the logo. I thought that this works especially well because it makes the red name more readable than with the black behind it while still keeping the stamp design. Although this looks like a very professional business card the fact that it is embossed would put up the cost to print the business cards and limit the amount of information that would be able to be put on it. Unless the business cards were duplexed so the embossing wouldn't appear on one side making it able to be printed on. Whether or not the business card should be embossed or not would be up to the client so for now I have just left it like this as I think the design is effective. 

I also created a mock up of a burlap bag that customers could buy as a sort of souvenir from the coffee shop. I thought that this would be particularly useful to customers due to the new 5p bag charge that is coming into effect this month. The bags would probably have to be screen printed due to the texture of the burlap but I think that this will give a really organic texture and effect. Though production costs for these bags would be higher than a paper bag it could produce profit if they were put for sale. Paper bags could also be produced along side this for customers who might not want a more permanent bag. 

And of course I mocked up a take away coffee cup for the shop. This would probably be the least expensive thing to produce. Although it would be cheaper to have just a non branded coffee cup I feel that printing their own would benefit them to spread the word of the coffee shop and act as a sort of advertisement. 

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