Saturday 10 October 2015

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 2 - Final Crit & Evaluation

Final Presentation

For the final critique I created a small presentation of which I also sent to the creator of the pitch on Kickstarter. Unfortunately they didn't get back to me throughout the brief which I was disappointed at because it meant that I lacked the most important feedback - that of the client. 


The immediate reaction to the logo itself was that it looks like a stamp. Which I am quite pleased about because I was going for that look where it could have been a stamp on the side of a sack of coffee. However someone suggested that the red type kind of looked like a "void" stamp which could be putting the wrong message across. Some people suggested that the logo may look better in grey rather than black after looking at my business card idea. They said that it is a lot more readable like this from a distance and is less confusing. However my tutor said that this slight confusion and surrealism suits the style of David Lynch's films. But I suppose it is just up to people's opinions whether they like this effect or not. However when I did justify this people did eventually change their mind.

One suggestion was that I could try and really push the boat out with the design and make it look even more surreal, perhaps distorting the logo. However I don't feel like I could do this without making it become unrecognisable as a logo. 


Overall I have really enjoyed this studio brief showing my passion for branding. It has made me realise that this is definitely one of things that I would like to specialise in. Although, I was very disappointed that I didn't hear back from the Kickstarter project that I chose but I think that I did well considering this. 

With this studio brief being only a week long I felt pushed for time. However once I had chosen my project ideas came to me pretty quickly and I managed to get ahead pretty early on in the week. I think that this is down to how much I enjoyed myself meaning that I kept going back to change little bits of the logo and looking into other brands.

I think that overall I managed my time really well - I was able to complete the logo design and some samples of branded materials before the final critique. Even though I didn’t follow a time plan for the brief I was still able to keep track of what to do on which days so that I didn’t spend too much time on one part of the brief to then not have enough time to work on another.

However if I had more time with this brief I would want to experiment with Letterpress as I really wanted to try this out to create textures. But because I didn't have the induction yet I was unable to try out a logo idea in letter-pressed type so I had to simulate it digitally. Also I would have liked to tackle the packaging of the signature coffee that they sold to make everything tie together into one finished product. Additionally I would have liked to make a brand guidelines book for the customer to use. But because we only had a week all of this was not possible.

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