Thursday 8 October 2015

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 2 - Brush Lettering Experiments

To add to the gothic vibe I experimented with inked hand lettering using a 3mm parallel fountain pen, a chisel tip pen and brush and ink. 

I really like the effect that this fountain pen gives especially with rushed strokes. I tried some small illustrations and they had a really nice quality to them. I could try incorporating these into the logo or perhaps on some of the collateral. 

These were created using the chisel tip pen. I am not as keen on them as the others but once again the more rushed version has a nice aesthetic with the contrast in line weight. 

I tried a more script typeface while using the ink and brush but I don't think that this suits the style or theme of the coffee shop at all. The capitalised sans serif is much better suited. 

I then scanned in the pages and vectorised them in illustrator, picking out my favourite from each of the pages. 

This was from the brush and ink version and I think that it has come out really well on screen. It works especially well as white on a black background - it really adds to the surreal and dark nature of the coffee shop. However I don't know whether this would be enough to use as a logotype, I will have to ask for feedback. 

I also really liked this version when I scanned it in. It's a lot edgier and rougher than the others but I think that this works. I'm not sure whether this would work as a logo but I could use this style of type for quotes to be used on napkins or something like that. 

I love how this illustration turned out. The variation of the thickness of the lines mixed with the abstract ness of the illustration over all really makes it stand out. 

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