Wednesday 28 October 2015

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 3 - Crit box (Interim Critique)

When going into the crit I had almost finalised my layout plans for the book so I showed a digital version of my proposed book. I told them that I was struggling to justify some of the reasoning behind my designs so far. They suggested that before starting any brief you should select an audience to target the design at. This means that you can justify things by researching your target audience. I found this very enlightening and I will definitely try to do this for my projects now on.

Also because of the simplicity of my layout they said that if I wanted to be more experimental for the letter pages I could try and use a different process/effect to each new letter to create a very interesting affect that would appeal to creatives. These experiments could then be related to the images context. I don't know whether this will be possible within the time scale that I have got left now, but I might try some experiments for the cover instead. 

Additionally when I explained my concept of the personal journal look of the book they suggested I push my photographs further and perhaps make them look like polaroid images, maybe even create the whole book in the size of a polaroid picture. I really like this idea but I feel like it would make the book too niche and it would feel like a novelty book rather than a photography book.

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